Swift payments for every business!

    Money Image
    Money Image

    Process payments, manage revenue, and use tools designed to grow your business.

    Create a free account

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    Hero sect

    Run a progressive business with our

    Modern tools.

    Payment link

    Accept one-time or recurring payments from anyone, anywhere and anytime, with your unique payment link.

    Right arrow icon
    Payment Link Image


    Have receipts automatically created for you to share on every transaction made.

    Right arrow icon
    Receipt Image
    Curved ArrowDown

    A fully unified set of payments

    Payment tools.

    Accept payments

    Receive money from anyone, at any time, anywhere in the world.

    Right arrow icon
    Accept Payments Image


    Make single or bulk transfers to bank accounts from your Onion Pay dashboard.

    Right arrow icon
    Transfers Image

    Same way we remind you to let your customers know that you’re there is the same way we are always going to be here for you!

    Let’s get on the road


    APIs for developers

    Your team can easily integrate with our APIs and access multiple payment functionalities.

    Read the API docs




    Wallet to bank account (pay out)

    ₦35 per transaction.


    Virtual account (inflow) – pay with transfer

    1% of transaction value, minimum ₦15 capped at ₦515 per transaction.


    Web payment gateway (card processing)

    1% of transaction minimum ₦15 capped at ₦515

    Are you ready to head in?

    Create an account to instantly start accepting payments, and build a successful business.

    Get started

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